Alitzah Oros
Social and Public Art Resource Center (SPARC) | Los Angeles, CA

Alitzah Oros is a graduate student at California State University, Long Beach where she is pursuing a Masters in Art History with an emphasis in Contemporary Latin American Art. Her interests include the relationship between art and environmental activism, the decolonization of land and indigenous bodies, and indigenous feminisms of the 20th and 21st centuries. Integral to her studies and approach to research is the belief that art is a vessel and vehicle for change with the ability to inspire and mobilize individuals and communities. She received her B.A. in Art History from California State University, Channel Islands where she developed research on global Baroque networks in colonial and contemporary architecture in Puebla, Mexico.

Project: Alitzah will focus on the launch of The Great Wall of Los Angeles Institute, an 8-year public art initiative to extend the current half-mile mural, that represents the untold histories of California’s minority and indigenous communities, to one-mile.


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