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NoCal | Tour of ‘Elegies: Still Lifes in Contemporary Art’ at the Museum of the African Diaspora, with Monique Long

July 17, 2022 | 4:00 pm

A painting of a bird of paradise plant against a pink background

Join curator Monique Long for a tour of Elegies: Still Lifes in Contemporary Art, an exhibition that brings together an international group of artists who have disrupted or extended the traditional presentation of still lifes. The artists have appropriated the genre in order to create works within a framework of Black diasporic identities, histories, and collective experiences. Their works are expressed through various mediums including painting, photography, sculpture, printmaking, performance, and installation. A central discourse in this exhibition considers Blackness in relation to the question, “How does an artist create work about the body without the body being present?”

After the tour, join us for no-host drinks at Delarosa.


  • ArtTable Members – $15
  • Member Guests/Non-Members – $25

Please note that museum admission is included in the ticket price.

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Please review the below before registering:

Please note that by registering for this event you consent to have your contact information shared with ArtTable to be used in the event that contact tracing is needed.

All visitors must wear a face mask over nose and mouth when inside the Museum. Please note that the following are not permitted to be worn instead of a face mask: gaiters, bandanas, scarves, ski masks, balaclavas, or masks with an exhalation valve. Face shields are also not allowed instead of a mask, but may be worn over one.

All visitors, regardless of age, are required to show proof of full COVID vaccination or of negative test results from a COVID PCR test (taken within 72 hours) for entry into the Museum. “Fully vaccinated” means entry into the Museum is at least 14 days after your final vaccine dose. We ask that you provide your physical vaccination card, a photo or copy of your card, or California’s digital vaccine record. Proof of vaccination is not required for outdoor dining.

If you are feeling ill on the day of the tour, please stay home and rest.

‍No food or beverages are allowed to be consumed in the museum during general admission hours.

Maintain social distance during your visit. Stay six feet apart from others and follow distancing signage.

Wash or sanitize your hands frequently. Sanitizer dispensers are located within the Museum.

Bag and coat check is temporarily closed.

Backpacks may not be worn on your back; they must be carried by hand (below the waist) or worn on the front of your body at all times.

Please don’t gather for prolonged periods in one area — People generally spend anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour or more visiting the galleries, depending on the exhibitions.

Any behavior or activity that disrupts the safe or orderly use of the Museum, or that affects the staff’s ability to provide services, is prohibited.

Please treat each other and our staff with respect — no profanity and/or engaging in rude, inconsiderate, or abusive behavior. We can all use a little kindness.

Visitors not following the COVID-19 Safety protocols will be promptly asked to leave MoAD.

COVID-19 Pre-screening Questions:

1. Within the past 10 days, have you been diagnosed with, or tested positive for, COVID-19?
2. Have you had close contact or live in the same household with someone who in the past 14 days has been in isolation for, or tested positive for, COVID-19?
3. Have you had any of the following in the last 24 hours?
Fever (100.4°F/38°C or greater) or chill
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- FatigueMuscle or body aches
- HeadacheNew loss of taste or smell
- Sore throatCongestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea

By entering the building, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and answered “no” to all these questions.

The City of San Francisco requires these questions be posted. Please review them, and if you answer yes to any, return another day. Our Visitor Experience Team can help you reschedule your ticket for an alternative date at no charge.

Museum of the African Diaspora is ADA accessible to all visitors

  1. Access to Galleries & Theatre - MoAD is fully accessible via wheelchair. Our elevator makes it easy to move between floors. We have one wheelchair you may borrow during your visit, subject to availability. Wheelchair seating is available at events and within the Freedom Theater for visitors using wheelchairs and for their companions. All Museum galleries and the theatre are accessible via large stairways.
  2. Accessible Toilets & Water Fountain - Our restroom is equipped with a diaper-changing table and a unisex stall for helping a companion. Water fountain on the second floor. (Water fountains are currently out of service to comply with health and safety measures)
  3. Museum Guides & Audio Accessibility - Guided audio tour available on the exhibitions pages on this website. Visual descriptions audio tour offers detailed descriptions of selected works on display within our galleries. Films in the Freedom Theater are shown with open captioning in English.
  4. Assistance & Companion Animals - Service animals, such as guide dogs for the blind, are welcome at MoAD. Pets are not allowed.

The Museum of the African Diaspora is located at 685 Mission Street (at Third) San Francisco, CA 94105.

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By Public Transportation

  • BART
  • Muni
  • Additional public transit information can be found here
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About Monique Long

Monique Long is an independent curator and writer based in New York City. An alumna of the ArtTable fellowship program, she was the mentee of curator Lowery Stokes Sims, PhD at the Museum of Arts and Design in 2010.

Image: Brittney Leeanne Williams, Untitled (Birds of Paradise), 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 10 x 10 in., Courtesy of the artist and Alexander Berggruen, NY

Museum of the African Diaspora

685 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105 United States
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